Dear Parent/Caregiver,
Congratulations! You are about to experience puberty all over again. But this time, it will be from a parent perspective. Yes, you and your child are about to embark on a time of amazing change and growth. Does that sound exciting and a little bit scary? You are not alone. Many parents and children are intimidated by the topic of puberty. I’m excited to walk alongside you, your child, and your school through my puberty education curriculum which includes many tools for parents and caregivers to use.
Your child’s school has chosen a puberty education program called Puberty: The Wonder Years. It includes many tools for parents and caregivers to use. Want to learn more? These parent preview resources describe the puberty lessons for your child and the many resources for you!
Puberty: The Wonder Years, Curriculum for Students in Grades 4, 5, 6:
- Grade 4 Lessons and Student Learning Objectives: English or Spanish
- Grade 5 Lessons and Student Learning Objectives: English or Spanish
- Grade 6 Lessons and Student Learning Objectives: English or Spanish
Parent Preview Presentations: (coming soon)
- Grade 4: I Wonder How Things Work slides: English or Spanish
- Grade 5: I Wonder What Is Happening to Me slides: English or Spanish
- Grade 6: I Wonder What Happens Next slides: English or Spanish
Puberty: The Wonder Years includes many activities that encourage parents/caregivers to talk with their children about family values and guide their children toward behavior that is consistent with their beliefs and values. Learn more about how Puberty: The Wonder Years engage sparents, caregivers, and other family members HERE.
Every parent we know wants to do a great job of teaching their child about puberty. Most of them aren’t sure how. That makes sense because most of us didn’t have good models when we were growing up, so we can’t just copy what they did. And we want to do better for our own children. If you’d like some support and information, check out these parent resources:
- Parent Resources include blog posts about puberty topics, book lists, and Q & A.
- “Preparing Parents for Puberty” is an online, self-paced course that is designed to help parents get ready to talk to their children about puberty.