Parental influence is one, and possibly the single greatest, of the major factors in determining the sexual behavior of young people. Yet, many parents and caregivers tell me that they aren’t sure how to begin talking with their child about puberty and sex. If you feel this way, you are not alone. Our resources for puberty education can help parents build confidence in how to educate their children.

Most of us did not have good models for sex education at home. Our own parents probably didn’t talk with us about growing up, body changes, relationships, and sex… or they might have handed us an outdated book or given us a lecture about avoiding pregnancy. Either way, their attempt might have been sincere, but an epic fail.

Now that we are the parents and caregivers, we find ourselves without a good road map. The good news is that today’s parents want to do better and not feel awkward when faced with lots of questions from a curious child. Fortunately, there is a lot more puberty information for parents available now. Even if your child is getting great sex education at school, parents and guardians are the only ones who can teach children about their family and religious values. So, wield your influence, and let’s get started!

To help you be the hero of your child’s puberty story, Puberty: The Wonder Years has assembled many tools for your use. These blog posts provide parents and caregivers with information and resources that will help you have ongoing chats with your child about growing up. Many of these topics have been suggested by parents like you!

If you have a question you would like the Puberty Lady to answer that’s not already covered in our puberty resources for parents, please submit it via our Contact page.

Books About Puberty for Parents/Guardians and Children:

Having “The Talks”:

Healthy Childhood Sexual Development:

Parenting and Important Topics:

Teaching Consent to Children:

School and Puberty Education:

Updated 2024-2-23

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