Talking to Your Kids about Puberty Keeps Them Safe and Healthy!

You CAN Do It!

Parents are the #1 influence over their children. While conversations about puberty may feel uncomfortable, they are important and impact a child’s sexual health into adulthood.

If you’ve ever wondered how to talk to your child about puberty, you’ve come to the right place. Maybe you aren’t what messages are important for boys and girls to know about puberty. Perhaps your child is nonbinary and you are wondering how to talk about puberty in a way that meets their needs. This new online course was built to support parents and help them have age-appropriate conversations about puberty with their children.

Wendy Sellers, Registered Nurse, Certified Sexuality Educator, and author of the Puberty: The Wonder Years in-school curriculum, created “Preparing Parents for Puberty” to help parents teach their 8- to 13-year-old kids about puberty at home.

puberty for parents

Watch this short video to learn more!

Want to learn more? Click here.

Course Preview

6 sections:
  • Introduction
  • “The Talk”
  • Empowering Young People
  • Skills Needed, Skills Taught
  • Recommended Resources
  • Parent Handouts & Parent-Child Activities

Most parents are not aware of the benefits that come from teaching their children age appropriate health education from an early age and the consequences if they don’t. Although sex education is taught in school, having this conversation with a parent can wield significant influence. This puberty program provides the skills and tools needed to have a positive impact on your child from ages 8-13. This age has a crucial impact on children’s sexual health into adulthood.

Did you know? 1 in 5 ninth-graders has had sex, and almost half did not use a condom.

A parent workshop like this typically costs $150, but “Preparing Parents for Puberty” is available for only $29.99!

This course will teach you...

  • How to become an "Askable Adult."
  • To be prepared and comfortable in having a “puberty talk” with your child.
  • Five vital skills your child will need to stay safe and healthy during puberty.
  • Where to find more resources to help you and your child have fun learning about puberty.
Preparing Parents for Puberty, online parent course, puberty for parents, father and daughter read a book together

The parent puberty course helped me think about listening more, instead of talking so much. It greatly improved the conversations I was having with my daughter about puberty, and she's regularly coming to me with questions now, I'm so thankful!



Parent of a 3rd grader

I knew I had to have these conversations sooner or later and I feel like this course has given me an easy button to press by providing me with a framework for discussions that can otherwise be awkward



Parent of 2 girls and 1 boy

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