Puberty: Not So Wonderful?

Puberty: Not So Wonderful?


Ask an adult what they remember about puberty, and they will probably get a funny look on their face. Next, they are likely to tell you a funny story about something embarrassing that happened to them. Worse yet, some adults might tell stories of being confused, frightened, or humiliated by their puberty experiences. So, is puberty not wonderful?

Yes, growing from a child into an adult can be awkward at times. But, let’s face it… growing into a grownup is also cool and amazing. Yes, even wonderful!

Puberty is a great time to wonder what is happening to you and what is coming next. That sense of wonder and curiosity is normal. It creates lots of questions. When you have a question, you deserve an answer. That is why it is so helpful to list two or three trusted adults, such as your parents or school counselor, you can go to when you have questions. Then, practice asking your trusted adults some of the questions you have. The more you practice, the easier it will get. Some adults might not feel comfortable answering your questions, and that’s okay. Just ask one of your other trusted adults until you get an answer.

Every kid goes through puberty at their own time and speed. Everyone will grow into an adult at their own pace. That means everyone is unique and special. Part of the wonder of puberty is learning to be a good friend by respecting the changes in others. You can be a good friend by not teasing others about the changes they are feeling and showing. Read about the ages and stages of childhood sexual development so you can support friends as they go through puberty.

Puberty: The Wonder Years is going to help make puberty wonderful by giving kids the facts about all the changes that are coming their way. Is your school teaching you about puberty?

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