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Puberty The Wonder Years puberty curriculum for 4th 5th 6th graders

Up-To-Date & Aligned Puberty Curriculum

Puberty: The Wonder Years doesn’t just stick to puberty, it also includes lessons on topics that I think are necessary such as bullying, and social-emotional components. There’s also a lot of scripting for really good conversation and prompts for the teachers.

Tim Kordic, Project Manager for Sexual Health and HIV Prevention, Los Angeles Unified School District
National Sex Education Standards (NSES) (Second Edition), Future of Sex Education (FOSE)
Well-loved lessons used in thousands of schools, request a curriculum preview to see why!

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“I know this is important, but I don’t know what to say!”

“What if I say the wrong thing?”

Ouch! Are you feeling the pain of knowing you need to talk to young people about puberty and sex education, but feeling nervous about how to do it?

Are you afraid of saying the wrong thing or not knowing enough? Is your puberty curriculum out of date? 

Never fear! You can do it with The Puberty Lady’s help.

Let me show you how to make puberty education easy and fun.

You can be that trusted adult who equips children for a positive puberty experience!SaveS

Puberty: The Wonder Years is taught around the world!

PWY US Sales Map 2024-5-14
Puberty: The Wonder Years International Sales Map 2023-11-3

Puberty: The Wonder Years is available in Spanish and English. Teachers around the world utilize our curriculum, including Australia, Canada, Croatia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Morocco, Nicaragua, South Africa, Singapore, Thailand, and the United States.

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What teachers and administrators say
about Puberty: The Wonder Years:

Puberty: The Wonder Years doesn’t just stick to puberty, it also includes lessons on topics that I think are necessary such as bullying, and social-emotional components. There’s also a lot of scripting for really good conversation and prompts for the teachers.

Tim Kordic, Project Manager for Sexual Health and HIV Prevention, Los Angeles Unified School District

Bravo! The course is great and it’s clear that you’ve invested significant time and thought into making the course meaningful and manageable

Brooke, Minnesota Sex Educator

Thanks for such engaging family activities and handouts. I especially loved that they are available in Spanish

Alaina, California Teacher

I want to express my gratitude to you for creating an exceptional program. You not only support quality puberrty instruction, you create better teachers, who learn your questioning strategies and skill development!

Laura, Teacher

My students have lots of questions! They thanked me for being wilillng to teach them about what is happening to them.

Mike, Lansing School District

I just want to express my gratitude to you for creating an exceptional program. You will not only support quality puberty instruction, you will create better teachers who learn your questioning strategies and skill development!

Laura, Washington Educator

Getting great feedback, the curriculum and online options are pretty slick!

Marshall, Michigan School Health Consultant

We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Puberty: The Wonder Years!

Anita and Myrna, School Nurses

I am piloting this curriculum and finding it very well laid out and teacher friendly. The tech support and response add immensely to my positive experience.

Tina, California Teacher

Your efforts to lessen shame, increase wonder and support educators in doing this are heroic and awesome!

Kimberly, New Mexico School Nurse

It’s not easy to make this sensitive topic fun, interesting and effective, but Wendy Sellers has found a way!

Brad, Michigan Health Teacher

Puberty: The Wonder Years maintains the quality puberty education of the previous versions and is spot on with expanding into the needed areas of gender, inclusivity and consent. I am so impressed!

Mary Ellen, Teacher


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