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Puberty: The Wonder Years Curriculum for Grades 4, 5 and 6
Up-To-Date & Aligned Puberty Curriculum
Puberty: The Wonder Years doesn’t just stick to puberty, it also includes lessons on topics that I think are necessary such as bullying, and social-emotional components. There’s also a lot of scripting for really good conversation and prompts for the teachers.
Tim Kordic, Project Manager for Sexual Health and HIV Prevention, Los Angeles Unified School District
“I know this is important, but I don’t know what to say!”
“What if I say the wrong thing?”
Ouch! Are you feeling the pain of knowing you need to talk to young people about puberty and sex education, but feeling nervous about how to do it?
Are you afraid of saying the wrong thing or not knowing enough? Is your puberty curriculum out of date?
Never fear! You can do it with The Puberty Lady’s help.
Let me show you how to make puberty education easy and fun.
You can be that trusted adult who equips children for a positive puberty experience!SaveS
Puberty: The Wonder Years is taught around the world!
Puberty: The Wonder Years is available in Spanish and English. Teachers around the world utilize our curriculum, including Australia, Canada, Croatia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Morocco, Nicaragua, South Africa, Singapore, Thailand, and the United States.
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What teachers and administrators say about Puberty: The Wonder Years: