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How to Teach Puberty & Sex Education at Home: Introduction

Every parent I've met wants to do a good job teaching their child about puberty. Help is here.

This is the first of a 6-part series on how to teach your children about puberty at home. Read part 2 here.

Puberty at Home

Parents and caregivers, many of you have viewed teaching your kids about puberty as a job that is primarily yours. After all, you are the only one who can teach your family’s values.[1, 2] However, most parents have appreciated schools as long-standing partners in providing puberty education. In fact, most parents want more sex education taught in schools.[3]

The Rise of Sex Education at Home

With the sudden closure of schools due to the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, schools had to instantly figure out how to teach remotely. Schools were forced to prioritize their limited time and resources to focus on the core academic subjects. Since spring is the traditional time for puberty lessons, that meant many schools could not teach the puberty lessons. Schools turned full responsibility back to you parents and caregivers who had to suddenly fly solo and a provide home school puberty curriculum
along with home school sex ed.

So, what do you do if you don’t have the comfort, confidence, and resources to talk about puberty? Most of us tend to parent our kids the way our own parents raised us. If we didn’t have good models for teaching kids about puberty, we might not know how. Many of us want to do a better job for our kids than the kind of puberty education we had. Besides, times have changed since we were young, and the issues faced by kids are far more complicated.

Help is Available

Puberty Lady to the rescue! You can look to this site for help in assembling your homeschool puberty and sex education curriculum. This blog post series will provide you with some tips and resources for having ongoing “lessons” about puberty at home. With a little guidance from an expert in the field, you’ll have no problem figuring out how to teach sex education at home. Read this whole 6-part series for useful tips and resources.

Remember: You can do it! You don’t have to be an expert on puberty to do an excellent job of teaching your child about puberty.

Wendy L. Sellers, The Puberty Lady

Take a Class for Parents and Caregivers!

5 tips for teaching about puberty at home:

Read More:


[1] Sex ed may be a class, but experts say the best education begins at home, Deserett News

[2] Family Beliefs and Values, TeachingSexualHealth.ca

[3] Parents’ views on sex education in schools: How much do Democrats and Republicans agree?

Updated 2023-1-28

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