Details and Costs:

  • Orders must be placed in the name of the teacher who will be subscribed to the curriculum OR in the name of the person who will administer multiple subscriptions, NOT in the name of the purchasing agent.
  • Puberty: The Wonder Years 2021 edition is a digital subscription.  The digital curriculum and Online Teacher Resources are accessed online using login credentials.
  • Educators who want a print copy of the curriculum guide in addition to their digital curriculum subscription may order one hard copy per 3-year curriculum subscription.
  • Videos are not all included with your Puberty: The Wonder Years subscription. Your school will need to select and/or purchase one video per grade make your puberty curriculum complete. Other videos are included as links in the curriculum. Please read this Video Information for details and guidance.
  • Optional Companion Materials are available to enhance your program implementation.
  • Refer to the “Puberty: The Wonder Years Budget Worksheet” (excel download) to calculate costs.

Two Options for Placing Your Order: All Orders Are Online

1. Credit Card Purchase:

  • Click on “Buy Puberty Curriculum” from the ordering menu.
  • Select the curriculum subscriptions, companion materials, and/or online courses you want.
  • You will be redirected to the secure payments screen.
  • Enter the number of each product you want to order.
  • Tax is not collected on digital products. If you select the Tax Exempt option during checkout, you will need to attach your Tax Exempt Form or email it to
  • Shipping and handling is not applied to digital products.
  • Add the shipping and handling charges if ordering any videos and/or hard copy curricula in addition to your digital curriculum subscription. (See below)
  • Once your order is complete, select the “Checkout” button. You may use your credit card, purchasing card, PayPal, or Stripe to pay.
  • Orders must be placed in the name of the teacher who will be subscribed to the curriculum OR in the name of the person who will administer multiple subscriptions, NOT in the name of the purchasing agent.
  • You will be given instructions for registering your teaching staff during the checkout process.

2. Purchase Order:

  • Refer to the “Puberty: The Wonder Years Budget Worksheet” (excel download) to calculate costs for generating a PO.
  • Click on “Buy Puberty Curriculum” from the ordering menu.
  • Select the curriculum subscriptions, companion materials, and/or online courses you want.
  • You will be redirected to the secure payments screen.
  • Enter the number of each product you want to order.
  • Tax is not collected on digital products. If you select the Tax Exempt option during checkout, you will need to attach your Tax Exempt Form during checkout or email it to
  • Shipping and handling is not applied to digital products. 
  • Add the shipping and handling charges if ordering any videos and/or hard copy curricula in addition to your digital curriculum subscription. (See below)
  • Items purchased via the North Carolina eProcurement (1.75%) or MyFlorida Marketplace (1%) system will be charged for the additional costs.
  • Attach your PO (and Tax Exempt Form, if applicable) during the online ordering process.
  • Orders must be placed in the name of the teacher who will be subscribed to the curriculum OR in the name of the person who will administer multiple subscriptions, NOT in the name of the purchasing agent.
  • You will be given instructions for registering your teaching staff during the checkout process.

Shipping & Handling Fees:

Handling fee is only chargedif your order includes physical products: $3 per item

Shipping is only charged if your order includes physical products:

  • Videos
  • Hard copies of the curriculum: Limit of one hard copy per 3-year subscription. Print copies are only sold as an addition to a 3-year digital curriculum subscription; they are not available with a 1-year subscription. Hard copies may take two to four weeks to arrive. If you need to rush your order, please email us at to make arrangements.

To calculate your total shipping charges, count the number of videos and print copies ordered and find the quantity below:

Shipping:Qty = 1-2: $20 Qty = 3-4: $30Qty = 5-6: $40Qty = 7-10: $45
Email for shipping on orders of 11 or more items.

How to Renew Your Curriculum Subscription

Read these instructions for renewing your curriculum subscription: Renew Your Puberty The Wonder Years Subscription (2023-2-22)

Return Policy

  • Digital curriculum subscriptions: No returns allowed.
  • Hard copy curriculum: No returns allowed.
  • Videos: Unopened, undamaged videos may be returned within 30 days for a full refund. Shipping and handling both ways are not refundable.

Updated 2024-1-10

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