Puberty Tips for Parents

Did you get a good puberty education when you needed it? Sadly, most parents and caregivers did not. That is why I'm offering “puberty tips for parents.”

Did you get a good puberty education when you needed it? Sadly, most parents and caregivers did not. They were left to figure it out on their own. Some made mistakes they wish they hadn’t made. Others continue to struggle to find the answers to questions about their bodies and relationships. However, it’s never too late to learn about puberty so that you can do a better job teaching your own child. That is why I’m offering “puberty tips for parents.”

Every parent I’ve ever met has told me that they would like to teach their child about puberty and sexuality, but they don’t know how. Most adults did not have good role models for talking to kids about puberty. Now, they are trying to figure out how to teach their own children about puberty without having a solid foundation. Now is the time to build that foundation: Puberty for parents!

Get Started with These Tips

  • Clarify personal and family beliefs and values.
  • Know the facts or where to find them.
  • Practice communication and active listening.
  • Start short conversations by age eight.
  • Take advantage of teachable moments as they arise.

Five Things Your Child Needs

  1. Affirmation
  2. Information
  3. Clarity about values
  4. Limit setting
  5. Anticipatory guidance [1]

Use These Resources:

Learn More

Would you like to take a self-paced, online class to help you prepare for talks with your child?

[1] Talk to Me First: Everything You Need to Know to Become Your Kids’ “Go-To” Person about Sex and book review video

Updated 2024-4-14

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