Do you have all the videos you need to teach Puberty: The Wonder Years?

This video information explains the videos that are used with Puberty: The Wonder Years. Some are purchased separately; others are included.

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Video and Materials List

Video Selection Checklist

Videos that are included in the curriculum

For most lessons, free, streaming videos have been used to enhance the lessons and introduce topics whenever possible. These links are included in the lesson plans and slides.

Videos that are not included with your curriculum purchase

Some videos are NOT included and must be selected and purchased separately from the curriculum. The lessons on anatomy and physiology at each grade level teach more detailed information than most teachers are comfortable explaining. For these lessons, use of a video is helpful. These videos are not included with your purchase of the curriculum.

These lessons suggest use of a video that must be selected and/or purchased by each school/district:

  • Grade 4, Lessons 4 & 5
  • Grade 5, Lessons 2 & 3
  • Grade 6, Lesson 2

To help schools select the anatomy videos that are not included, please use these two tools:

  1. Video and Materials List. This is a curated, annotated list of video options. Some of these videos are streamed free, but most must be purchased or rented to stream.
  2. Video Selection Checklist. It lists the recommended options and tells which lessons call for a video to be selected by schools.

Video Previews & Streaming Rights

Video previews are only available from the video producers. Their contact information is included on the “Video and Materials List.”

Videos can be purchased or rented from the producers; some favorite videos are also available for purchase on our website.

Additional Information:

Please contact us if you have any additional questions. Thank you.

Updated 2023-2-11

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