Tag sex education

Distance Learning Adaptations

Distance Learning Adaptations
During this season of the coronavirus pandemic, many schools have had to put face-to-face classes on hold. Yet, students’ biological clocks are still marching on toward puberty. They still need adults to teach them what to expect during this time of rapid growth and physical, social, and emotional changes. This document will help educators adapt Puberty: The Wonder Years to be used in distance learning settings.

Teach Puberty: Online PD

Teach puberty education with Online Training Course

Prepare to Teach Puberty: Online PD Great! You volunteered to teach puberty to your students. Or were you volun-told? Either way, you will be teaching a topic that you probably didn’t study in college. I applaud your “can-do” spirit! I…

Sexual Health Education Guide

Sexual Health Education Guide

Sexual Health Education Guide for Schools Development of the Guide Many school districts face the challenge of keeping a record of their approved sex education programming. With changes in administration and staff, educators may not know what lessons to teach…

Program Evaluation Is Vital

program evaluation

Program evaluation is much more than a good idea: It is vital! Education is all about data-based decision-making, and sex education is no different. When schools allocate precious instructional time, they want to make sure that time is used wisely.…

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