Just Around the Corner for Boys – Puberty Video for 4th Graders


As a service to customers teaching Puberty: The Wonder Years, we offer some of our favorite videos that are recommended for use with the lessons.

Just Around the Corner for Boys: This video is used in Grade 4, Lessons 4 & 5. In this puberty video for boys, a teen narrator explains what to expect in
puberty for people assigned male at birth. The approach is upbeat, and also includes the popular Just around the corner puberty song for an honest and reassuring explanation of the
changes brought on by puberty. The video is live action, except for cartoon drawings that illustrate the changes of puberty. It only includes information for people assigned male at birth.

Use this video with Just Around the Corner for Girls. Or you may order We’re Just Around the Corner, the version that includes information for people assigned male and female at birth.

Available in DVD format in English and Spanish.

It is closed-captioned.

As a service to customers teaching Puberty: The Wonder Years, we offer some of our favorite videos that are recommended for use with the lessons.

Just Around the Corner for Boys: This video is used in Grade 4, Lessons 4 & 5. Puberty can be an exciting but often confusing time for teens. This informative video offers honest and upbeat advice about the transition into adulthood, with live-action footage as well as cartoon drawings to help illustrate these natural changes. This Just Around the Corner Puberty video is an invaluable resource that includes male information only. This DVD is sure to provide reassurance that every child’s experience of puberty is perfectly normal.

Use this video with Just Around the Corner for Girls. Or you may order  We’re Just Around the Corner, the version that includes information for people assigned male and female at birth.

Available in DVD format in English and Spanish.

It is closed-captioned.

Running Time: 11:28


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