Wendy Sellers

Author, Puberty: The Wonder Years, Certified Sexuality Educator, Curriculum Designer, Registered Nurse

Wendy is passionate about eliminating the silence, shame, and stigma around puberty and sexuality. She loves to answer questions about puberty and sex education…from students, parents, and educators…even from total strangers! Wendy lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan with her life partner, her cat, and the assortment of wildlife that wanders through the yard. She loves living near her kids and ten grandchildren, and enjoys gardening, nature, reading, dancing, and traveling.

Justin Knorr

Customer Service, Partnerships & Operations

After spending 15 years in the technology sector, Justin is combining his experience in providing great customer experiences with his passion for education, mental & physical heath and kids. Justin enjoys an active lifestyle, full of travel, sports, nature, music, cooking & trying to stay fit enough to keep up with his two kids. If you’ve got a new idea or a tricky problem to solve, he is ready to jump right in!

Maureen Downey

Educator, Content Writer

Maureen’s experience & passion lies in education, philanthropy and human sexuality. She’s traveled the world teaching underserved communities, and has been involved in many organizations contributing to women’s health and access to healthcare. While her true “first-born” is her dog, Hunter James (part bat, part gremlin), she also has two lovely children who keep her very busy. Maureen enjoys a strong sense of community & friends, reading, being outdoors and planning trips to new places.

Ann Siegle Webmaster Puberty:The Wonder Years

Ann Siegle

Webmaster, Technical Contact, Website Assistance

Ann is an expert web designer & technical trainer based in East Lansing, MI where she lives with her husband, two kids and a dog. Ann manages all of the tech for Puberty: The Wonder Years. Need help logging in? Have a technical question about the site? Want to make a suggestion? Ann is the tech master who can help you! Ann loves to sail, ski, run, bike, hike, sew, knit and drive her kids to hockey all over Michigan.

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