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More Silver Linings in This Coronavirus Storm #4

More Silver Linings #4
As we move deeper into sheltering at home, our patience and creativity might be wearing thin. I know mine is. However, we can continue to find new ways to find more silver linings in this coronavirus storm. As I work from home, I’ve learned that I can’t listen to the news updates all day long, or I become immobilized. Limiting news to a short time in the morning and evening helps me to focus on positive and productive options. This list is one of the outcomes of my commitment to supporting each of you during this stressful time. I hope you find a few silver linings for yourself and others here!

Silver Linings in This Coronavirus Storm

Silver Linings
As much as we all love to have family time, this new and unplanned break from work and school is not exactly what any of us requested. However, the coronavirus is no respecter of anyone’s plans. It’s time to take it very seriously in order to stop its ruthless march around the globe and into our communities and homes. Given our commitment to social distancing, what can we do to find the silver linings in this coronavirus storm? Read these tips.

Program Evaluation Is Vital

program evaluation

Program evaluation is much more than a good idea: It is vital! Education is all about data-based decision-making, and sex education is no different. When schools allocate precious instructional time, they want to make sure that time is used wisely.…

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