Are You an “Askable Adult”?

Many Thanks! Many thanks to the American School Health Association Board of Directors and Awards Committee! I was named a Fellow at ASHA’s Annual School Health Conference on Oct 3, 2019, in Cincinnati, OH. Imagine my excitement when I received…
Would you like to make sure all your students feel included in your class? When you teach about puberty, are you unsure how to include your lesbian, gay, bisexual, plus (LGB+) students? Let’s talk about a couple of ways to…
Social Justice and Sex Education: Are They Related? What is social justice anyway? Merriam-Webster defines social justice as “a state or doctrine of egalitarianism.”[1] Wikipedia defines social justice as “a concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society. This is measured by the…
Does teaching about puberty invite promiscuous activity among kids? Why should my child be exposed to this? Sex education, even puberty education, is sometimes viewed as a controversial, divisive topic because it can provoke strong, divergent opinions about the best…