6 Weeks to Puberty Education

Are your puberty lessons outdated, ineffective, or nonexistent? Let me show you how to be ready for puberty education in 6 weeks!
School Dress Codes: Conference Highlights What do school dress codes have to do with helping young people learn about puberty? Well, a lot! In fact, the topic of dress codes is so relevant that two conferences asked me to present…
Sex Education in Schools: Conference Highlights People who love kids want to do the right thing. But they don’t always know how. This is never truer than when we talk about teaching kids about puberty, relationships, and sexuality. “If You Don’t,…
Musings on a Father’s Day As Father’s Day approaches, I feel deep gratitude for my own dad. He was a wonderful man and a great dad to me. His consistent presence in my life and the lessons he taught me…