Teaching Consent Lessons to Young Children
Social Justice Sex Education
Social Justice and Sex Education: Are They Related? What is social justice anyway? Merriam-Webster defines social justice as “a state or doctrine of egalitarianism.”[1] Wikipedia defines social justice as “a concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society. This is measured by the…
The Importance of Puberty Sex Education for Children
Does teaching about puberty invite promiscuous activity among kids? Why should my child be exposed to this? Sex education, even puberty education, is sometimes viewed as a controversial, divisive topic because it can provoke strong, divergent opinions about the best…
Baby, It’s Cold Outside Discussions Heated
Baby, It’s Cold Outside… But Discussions Are Getting Heated! A favorite part of the winter holiday season is hearing the annual sounds of beloved Christmas songs and other holiday melodies. This year, a new sound has emerged: discussions about…
Federal Funding Changes Impact Sex Education
Federal Funding Changes Impact Sex Education Since its inception, the federal government has had an interest in funding the prevention of issues that negatively impact public health. Two of these issues have been teen pregnancy and HIV infection among youth.…
Amaze Parents Interview
Sexual Development in Late Childhood: What to Expect
Constellation: Sex, Eating Disorders, Substance Use Disorders
Look at the Constellation! Sex, Eating Disorders, and Substance Use Disorders If you want to break multiple taboos, start talking about sex and drugs! Then, toss in the subject of eating disorders for some extra shock value. As a person…
Healthy Sexual Development for Middle to Late Childhood
3 Ways to Start the School Year Right
3 Ways to Start the School Year Right School is right around the corner, and many 9- to 12- year-olds are anxiously preparing to head back for a fresh year of learning and socializing. While some may be excited…