More Silver Linings in This Coronavirus Storm

I hope you will honor all the feelings you have during this time and find ways to celebrate the small joys and more silver linings that emerge during this coronavirus storm.

How many days have you been sheltering in place, keeping six feet away from others, and avoiding groups of people? This is day 14 of social distancing for me. Since I work in my home office, I am used to being alone much of the day. I’m guessing these days are harder on educators and parents of school-aged kids. After all, you are used to being surrounded by people much of the day. What a loss! This is a time of grieving for each of us. I hope you will honor all the feelings you have during this time and find ways to celebrate the small joys and more silver linings that emerge during this coronavirus storm.

With that in mind, I’ve been thinking of you and gathering supportive resources. Whether you are trying to become a homeschooler overnight, or you are figuring out how to cope with grief, fear, and anxiety, I hope you will find something useful in these resources.

Resources for adults coping with coronavirus social distancing

Resources for teaching children about Coronavirus

Physical Activity Ideas

Preparation for Puberty Teachable Moments

Home Schooling Helps

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