Building Support for Puberty Education: Lessons from Successful Districts

Implementing or updating a puberty education curriculum is a significant undertaking that impacts students, families, educators, and the broader community. As curriculum decisions become increasingly scrutinized, district leaders often find themselves navigating complex terrain—balancing educational standards, community values, and the developmental needs of students.

“It’s a process that requires commitment and patience,” shared Tamara DeYoe, coordinator of middle school programs at Brentwood Union School District during our recent webinar. “There will be challenges along the way, but with time and consistency, it does get easier. Our second year of implementation has shown significant positive progress.”

Drawing from successful implementation experiences like Brentwood’s, we’ve compiled key strategies for building support for effective puberty education programs. Whether you’re looking to update an outdated curriculum or launch a new program, these lessons can help you create a smoother path forward.

Start with a Strong Foundation

Before diving into curriculum selection, it’s essential to understand your current landscape and lay groundwork for change.

Know Your Requirements and Resources

Begin by researching what’s required in your state. As Heidi Winig from Cardea explained: “Most states have Health Standards which provide the guideposts or goals for the content or skills that students should know by a specific grade of stage of development, whereas the Ed Code is usually what is required by law to teach. So it’s important to understand both the requirements (Ed Code) as well as the goals (standards).”

Your research should include:

  • State education code requirements
  • State and national health education standards
  • School board policies regarding health education
  • Current practices in your schools and in neighboring schools
  • Available resources and supports

Establish a Representative Committee

Successful districts consistently point to the importance of including diverse stakeholders from the beginning. “We formed a committee representing all grade levels and all school sites,” DeYoe noted. “So I made sure that I had teachers part of the process from the beginning, representing 4th, 5th, 6th grades and all of our school sites.”

Consider including:

  • Teachers from each grade level where puberty ed will be taught
  • School nurses or health professionals
  • School counselors or social workers
  • Administrators
  • Parent representatives from different school communities

Be clear about committee expectations and decision-making processes from the start. DeYoe emphasized spending time initially to communicate about “expectations of how many meetings we’re going to have, of the work that we’re going to do, of how we’re going to communicate with each other, treat each other.”

Build Community Support Strategically

Research consistently shows that the vast majority of parents support comprehensive puberty and sex education in schools. According to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, more than 93% of parents supported sex education in both middle and high school, with support for specific topics ranging from 78% to 98% depending on the topic (Kantor & Lindberg, 2018).

However, as Winig pointed out in the webinar, “Sometimes the loudest voices in the community are actually a minority opinion. Sometimes the loudest voices, especially if they’re very negative… don’t necessarily represent what most people think.”

Here’s how successful districts have built broader support:

Identify Key Allies

Look for champions within your community who can speak to the importance of evidence-based puberty education:

  • Healthcare providers who work with adolescents
  • Youth development professionals
  • Parent leaders from PTAs/PTOs
  • Community health centers
  • LGBTQ+ support organizations

As Wendy Sellers from Puberty: The Wonder Years suggested, “There are often some really great champions in the parent caregiver community. Sometimes you’ll be lucky, and you’ll have a parent who’s a doctor or nurse, or a healthcare provider that works with adolescents, and that can speak from their experience about the importance of young people having information and skills.”

Ensure Transparency

Transparency builds trust. During Brentwood’s implementation, they prioritized multiple communication channels:

“We did a lot of community outreach about the new program. We sent letters home, text alerts, emails. We provided an information webinar for all families… We also offered optional viewing of the curriculum for the parent community, they could come in person to look at it, or they could request access to our pacing guides,” DeYoe explained.

Some effective transparency practices include:

  • Clear parent notification letters
  • Information sessions (both in-person and virtual)
  • Curriculum preview opportunities
  • FAQ documents addressing common concerns
  • Regular updates to school boards and parent organizations

Collect and Share Data

Gathering feedback from your community can provide valuable direction and demonstrate responsiveness:

“In one district that I worked with, we actually sent out a survey to families… saying, ‘We’re rethinking our puberty Ed program. We’re redoing it to be in line with the Ed code. Here’s what needs to be included. What are other topics that you want your kid to know about? How important are these topics for you?'” Winig shared.

This data can then be used to inform decision-making and build your case with school boards and the broader community.

Prepare for Implementation Challenges

Even with careful planning, you may encounter challenges. Successful districts anticipate these and develop strategies in advance.

Address Educator Comfort Levels

Not all teachers feel equally prepared to teach puberty education. As Sellers noted, “Not everybody is going to be a great puberty educator, and it could be that you have some teachers that might actually do more harm than good.”

Brentwood found creative solutions: “Some teachers will partner up because sometimes the teacher just wants another person in the room. So sometimes we’ll have teachers partner up and teach together, or you might have a teacher’s aide that could join or a school counselor.”

Key strategies include:

  • Providing comprehensive professional development
  • Creating opportunities for team teaching
  • Allowing flexibility in implementation while maintaining consistency in content
  • Having backup plans for teacher absence or significant discomfort

Prepare for Community Concerns

DeYoe noted that districts should be prepared for some initial concerns when implementing a new program. During the first year of implementation, her district experienced an increase in families choosing to opt out, along with community questions about curriculum content. She emphasized the importance of clear, factual communication to address misconceptions that may arise.

Successful districts prepare by:

  • Developing clear talking points about curriculum content and benefits
  • Creating a robust system for handling opt-outs
  • Training administrators to address parent concerns
  • Documenting and addressing misinformation promptly

Anticipate Internal Challenges

It’s important to recognize that educators themselves may have varying comfort levels and perspectives about teaching puberty education.

To address potential internal hesitation or resistance:

  • Set clear expectations with staff about professional communication
  • Provide administrators with thorough information about the curriculum to support their conversations with staff
  • Create safe spaces for staff to express concerns privately
  • Consider phased implementation to build internal support gradually
  • Offer additional training and support for teachers who express discomfort

Track Progress and Celebrate Success

The good news is that with persistence, initial challenges typically decrease over time. DeYoe reported that their second year of implementation was significantly smoother, with fewer concerns expressed and better overall reception of the program. The district saw positive trends that they expect will continue as the program becomes more established.

Successful districts track metrics such as:

  • Opt-out rates
  • Student learning outcomes
  • Teacher comfort and confidence
  • Parent feedback
  • Board and community concerns

Sharing success stories, student feedback (anonymized), and improvements in these metrics helps build momentum and support for the program.

Conclusion: The Path Forward

Building support for puberty education is undoubtedly challenging work, but the benefits for students are well worth the effort. Research consistently shows that comprehensive puberty and sex education is linked to healthier outcomes for young people, including delayed onset of sexual activity, increased use of protection when sexually active, and improved communication skills (Goldfarb & Lieberman, 2021).

As you embark on or continue this journey in your own district, remember that persistence pays off. The initial investment in thoughtful implementation leads to a more sustainable program that benefits students while respecting community values.

By starting with a strong foundation, building community support strategically, preparing for challenges, and celebrating successes, your district can create an effective puberty education program that serves all students while respecting community values.


Goldfarb, E. S., & Lieberman, L. D. (2021). Three decades of research: The case for comprehensive sex education. Journal of Adolescent Health, 68(1), 13-27.

Kantor, L., & Lindberg, L. (2018). Pleasure and sex education: The need for broadening both content and measurement. American Journal of Public Health, 108(10), 1287-1289.

Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. (2017). Abstinence-only-until-marriage policies and programs: An updated position paper of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Journal of Adolescent Health, 61(3), 400-403.

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