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Puberty: The Wonder Years Curriculum Access
How to Login:
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- Click “Teacher Login” at the top of this page
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Feedback & Suggestions:
Updates to Puberty: The Wonder Years Since 2021 Publication
Updates in 2022
- Grade 4: Clarified explanation of embryonic development
- Grade 5: Clarified explanation of embryonic development
- Grade 5: Clarified explanation of nocturnal emissions
- Grade 5: Expanded explanation of ways pregnancy can occur
- Grade 6: Clarified explanation of embryonic development
- Grade 6: Clarified language regarding abstinence
- Grade 6: Updated sources in teacher’s tip about HPV vaccine and stats in lesson.
Updates in 2023
- Grade 4: Added teacher notes about pronouns
- Grade 6: Added student activity sheet on sexual harassment and assault
Updates in 2024
- Lesson 5-1: Added an image of a child with a female reproductive system to the 10 body systems slide to be more inclusive
- Lesson 4-1: Added “True or False” to some headings on the slides to avoid confusion about the true-false activity
- Lesson 4-4: Added “True or False” to some headings on the slides to avoid confusion about the true-false activity