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Empowering Puberty Education for Every Classroom!

Comprehensive, fun, digital curriculum with ready-to-use lesson plans, teacher scripts, and online training for grades 4, 5 and 6, trusted by thousands of schools across the world.

“Puberty: The Wonder Years doesn’t just stick to puberty, it also includes lessons on topics that I think are necessary such as bullying, and social-emotional components.

There’s also a lot of scripting for really good conversation and prompts for the teachers.”

With “Puberty: The Wonder Years,” you can confidently make puberty education easy and fun.

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Puberty: The Wonder Years offers ready-to-use lesson plans, resources, and training, making it effortless for teachers to deliver consistent, effective puberty education.

Equip teachers with the tools and support they need to tackle sensitive topics, fostering open dialogue while actively engaging parents to build a strong community partnership.

Wendy Sellers portrait

Expertly Designed by a Certified Sexuality Educator

Crafted by Wendy Sellers, Certified Sexuality Educator (CES), Curriculum Designer, and Registered Nurse (RN); Puberty: The Wonder Years breaks the silence and stigma around puberty, providing trusted guidance for students, parents, and educators alike.

Wendy Sellers American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists certificate
Wendy Sellers Certificate in Sexuality Education

Trusted by thousands of schools across the world!

US Implementation of Puberty: The Wonder Years Curriculum
Puberty: The Wonder Years is available in Spanish and English. Teachers around the world utilize our curriculum, including Australia, Canada, Croatia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Morocco, Nicaragua, South Africa, Singapore, Thailand, and the United States.

What teachers & administrators say about our curriculum

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