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Comprehensive, fun, digital curriculum with ready-to-use lesson plans, teacher scripts, and online training for grades 4, 5 and 6, trusted by thousands of schools across the world.
“Puberty: The Wonder Years doesn’t just stick to puberty, it also includes lessons on topics that I think are necessary such as bullying, and social-emotional components.
There’s also a lot of scripting for really good conversation and prompts for the teachers.”
Tim Kordic
Project Manager,
Sexual Health & HIV Prevention
Los Angeles Unified School District
With “Puberty: The Wonder Years,” you can confidently make puberty education easy and fun.
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Puberty: The Wonder Years offers ready-to-use lesson plans, resources, and training, making it effortless for teachers to deliver consistent, effective puberty education.
Equip teachers with the tools and support they need to tackle sensitive topics, fostering open dialogue while actively engaging parents to build a strong community partnership.
Crafted by Wendy Sellers, Certified Sexuality Educator (CES), Curriculum Designer, and Registered Nurse (RN); Puberty: The Wonder Years breaks the silence and stigma around puberty, providing trusted guidance for students, parents, and educators alike.
Puberty: The Wonder Years curriculum aligns with National Sex Education Standards (NSES), as well state specific curriculum requirements too!
It is not easy to make this sensitive topic fun, interesting, and effective; but Wendy Sellers has found a way.
Brad, Michigan Profesor de Salud
My students had lots of questions! They thanked me for being willing to teach them about what is happening to them.
Mike, Distrito escolar de Lansing
Gracias por estas actividades y materiales tan atractivos para la familia. Me ha encantado especialmente que estén disponibles en español
Alaina, California Profesora
Puberty: The Wonder Years maintains the quality puberty education of the previous versions and is spot on with expanding into the needed areas of gender, inclusivity and consent. I am so impressed!
Mary Ellen, Profesora
I am expressing my gratitude to you for creating an exceptional program. You not only support quality puberty instruction, you create better teachers who learn your questioning strategies and skill development!
Laura, Profesora
Bravo. El curso es estupendo y está claro que habéis invertido mucho tiempo y esfuerzo en hacerlo significativo y manejable.
Brooke, Minnesota Educadora sexual
El plan de estudios y las opciones en línea son muy buenos.
Marshall, Michigan Consultor de Salud Escolar
I am piloting this new curriculum and finding it very well laid out and teacher friendly. The tech support and response add immensely to my positive experience.
Tina, California Profesora
Sus esfuerzos por reducir la vergüenza, aumentar el asombro y apoyar a los educadores en esta tarea son heroicos y asombrosos.
Kimberly, Enfermera escolar de Nuevo México
Nos ENCANTA, ENCANTA, ENCANTA Pubertad: ¡Los Años Maravillosos!
Anita y Myrna, enfermeras escolares
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